2009-06-23 泰国游

11-am Lcct 起飞!
12-pm(M'sia 1-pm) 到泰国 Suvarnabhumi 机场.
12 - 2 pm 从机场搭taxi 到 Novotel Lotus 酒店 , check-in。
(taxi - 400 baht include 50 baht charge, Novotel lotus 4000 baht per night. special staff price 1300 baht per night)
2 - 3 pm 步行到emporio shopping complex (5mins) . 午餐
3 - 4 pm skytrain trip.从 phrom phong 站 到 siam 站 (25 baht)
4 - 5pm 从siam paragon 那里步行逛四周..(MBK ,Siam center)
5 - 6pm 从skytrain下人行道走道四面佛。(50 baht 香+花)

6- 7 pm 又走回siam paragon dinner MCD samurai Pork ! (120 baht)
7 - 8pm 搭bus + 步行去china town (8 baht)

8 - 9pm 搭taxi 去 kaoshan (60 baht)
9 - 10 pm 消夜 那里的炒馃条吧?忘记名了 + tomyam + 4 罐汽水 (130 baht)
10 - 11 pm 搭taxi 回 novotel (100 baht)
11 - 1 am 酒店附近, heineken man's talk?? (360 baht)



8 - 9 am 早餐酒店附近,路边摊 ,猪肉面吧? (30 baht)
9 - 10 am 步行(5mins)到 skytrain phrom phong 站 搭到 Asok 站(15 baht)
转线, 到Saphan Taksin 站 (40 baht)
搭船 到tha chang or tha tien 那里下船.(13 baht)
10 - 11 am 到其中个炮台 phra sumen fort, 步行去grand palace.
(门票 350 baht包括, Grand palace , vimanmek mansion museum , 还有个什么coin museum忘记名. 三个地点不一样地点!!所以要安排好时间. )

11 - 2 pm Grand palace 游 + lunch (340 baht)
2 - 3 pm 搭bus+步行去睡佛Wat pho (bus 7 baht, wat pho门票 50 baht)

3 - 4 pm 步行去搭船渡河还是海到对岸Wat aru (船 6 baht, Wat aru 门票 50 baht)

4 - 5 pm 步行回去搭船回对岸,再转船回Saphan Taksin 站 那里的码头 (6 baht+ 13 baht)
5 - 6 pm 搭skytrain回phrom phong 站. 回酒店 * 很累!
6 - 7 pm 休息,睡觉!
8 - 9 pm 搭德士去Suan Lum Night market? + food court? 晚餐
(Tomyam, 香肠, 鸡饭 + papaya salad + ....) (taxi 100 baht+ dinner coupon 200 bahtper person )
9 - 11pm 逛Suan Lum Market
11 - 12 am 搭taxi回酒店 (60 baht)



10 am - 11 am 搭skytrain 从phrom phong 站 到mochit 站 *chatuchak park ! (40 baht)
lunch pork noodle/boat noodle (57 baht)
11 am - 4 pm chatuchak 游!
4 pm - 5 pm 搭VAN 到phahon Yothin *Central Lat Phrao shopping center?
5 pm - 6 pm 步行去subway MRT 搭到thailand Culture Center (41 baht)
6 pm - 7 pm 去泰国朋友 Mark 家休息
7 pm - 8 pm 搭德士去Ratchada night market (taxi 50 baht)
*星期日没开! 星期五六.!
8 pm - 9 pm 搭subway MRT 到 hua lamphong 再搭bus 去china town (41 baht, 11 baht)
搭taxi 去 kao san , 顺路, 到giant swing, (60 baht)
9 pm - 10 pm dinner kao san (450baht)
10 pm - 11 pm 步行到Demacracy monument , Golden mountain
搭taxi 去 anantasamakhom 拍照.

Demacracy monument


11 pm - 12 am 回酒店.



10 am 起身,步行到phrom phong 站 楼下Naraya 店.
11 am 早餐 + 午餐
12 pm 搭taxi 回机场
3 pm Bye Thailand!..


phra sumen fort

Grand Palace

Wat Pho

Wat Aru





Ling Jeat said...

men's talk is indeed desperate men's talk... haha

Anonymous said...

MCD samurai PORK......

I'm pOrky

Wailam said...

"men's talk is indeed desperate men's talk... haha..."
means that we still able to controling our .....mind!

Wailam said...

luckily u born in malaysia....! HALAL!